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Star has been through puppy, beginning and intermediate obedience.  She earned her CGC (Canine Good Citizen) title and passed the TDI (Therapy Dogs International) test at the 1999 RRCUS Specialty in Winter Park, CO.  (She also made the first cut in the "best ridge" contest.)

Jeb had taught Star to be gentle around older people -- and how to get cookies out of my mom -- so perhaps being a therapy dog came naturally to her.

As a therapy dog, Star particularly loves visiting patients in nursing homes, who seem to love her back.  (One gentleman wanted to keep her; he said he'd never seen a dog as big as a horse before.)  Star is shown here (along with Chase) visiting my mother.  People in the nursing home would always do a doubletake seeing one dog on my mom's bed, but when Chase joined Star on visits, they could hardly believe what they were seeing.

Star enjoyed agility training at Patty Drom's Dallas Dog Sports.


and  with Sarah Scott and Chuck Thompson in the Houston area.

Photographer & Ridgeback owner Patti Pentler shot these photos of Star competing at the 2002 RRCUS National Specialty in Lansing MI


(above photos copyright 2002 Patti Pentler)


In 2000, Star passed a herding instinct certificate evaluation.

Sometimes she thinks she is a great hunter, and sometimes she just likes to relax.



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updated 05/02/2009

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